Slate Squats

I didn't want to skip my workout today, but I didn't have anything planned ahead of time.  So I ran.  I admit, I consider running my "cop out" workout, because it doesn't really employ those Crossfit principles of constantly varied or high intensity or functional movement.  Okay, maybe functional movement -- because it might come in handy for me to be good at running, whether it's because I'm running to catch the train or running to keep the cookies out of Superman's reach (yeah, as if I could outrun him).  Anyhow... I ran.  And I think today I ran the longest I've ever run without stopping to walk.  Go me! 

Even though I didn't do a traditional wod today, I did plenty of squats, lunges, deadlifts and carries.  I pulled weeds from my flower beds and made a trail of blue slate.  It took three hours.  I think that, plus the run, ought to count for something today.

Blue slate trail.  Don't be deceived by the thinness of the slate.  It's kind of heavy.

Dinner tonight was all about getting reacquainted with Curry Meatballs in Coconut Tomato Sauce, alongside spinach salad and fresh pears.

There's a meatball hiding in there somewhere.

I followed my own recipe with one minor change...I only used 1 lb of ground meat instead of two.  And it still worked out just fine, was delicious, cooked well (and fit in my frying pan better).  If I were making it for Superman and the boys, I would definitely use 2 lbs, but as it was, we had leftovers.
