What about breakfast?

I remember, when I started my first Paleo challenge, wondering what I would eat for breakfast.  I mean, a person can't eat eggs every blessed morning, can she?

The truth is, we do eat (and drink) a lot of eggs.  However!  You don't have to forgo your old breakfast of cereal/oatmeal/pancakes/whatever to instead have dinner for breakfast each day.  Yes, there are Paleo pancakes (try these or these) that are delicious and completely grain free.  And we've been known to shred up a carrot or two and cook 'em up like hashbrowns.  For a delicious, non-traditional breakfast that still has a very happy mouth-feel, try shredding up veggies and stir fry them with some of the meat from last night's dinner, or slice up a sausage (there are sugar-free varieties, check the label!) and throw that in.  For example:

This morning's breakfast
There was a bit of bacon fat left in the pan after Ballerina made her breakfast, and I wanted to use it.  So I started with some onion.  Then I sliced up a stalk of celery.  Hmmmm...what else is in the fridge?  Ah!  The leftover grilled carrots.  On top of that I sprinkled a little bit of minced jalapeno, then threw in some of the pulled pork from last night.  That's half a pear you see sliced up next to it.  I also ate the last of the grape tomatoes (there were only four left).  Excellent breakfast -- in fact, I would have made it into an omelet, but I thought I should show you an egg-free meal this morning.

Okay, now it's your turn.  I know I have readers, my stats tell me so.  What are you eating for breakfast?  What ideas can you share?

*edit -- Oh!  I almost forgot to mention!  I totally crushed my wod this morning!  Eleven months ago I did the following at the track:

10 rounds
100m sprint
10 pushups

My time then was 24 minutes.  Today I did it in 12!!!  Go me!
