7,3, ADHD and Therapy

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. –Steve Jobs
Family of seven, Three full time jobs… well, one full time job, full time school and nearly a full time schedule at a Therapy Clinic, an ADHD mind and a midlife career change to Marriage & Family Therapy.  Wow you might be thinking, “a therapist with ADHD”, yah, never a dull moment in therapy. I love what I do, love my family. My life if full of adventure, twist and turns and I am honored to take this journey with my best friend and partner, my wife. 

Over a year ago I posted “Fitting in Again: A guest post”. With the idea I would track and post my path back to a healthy, fit life amid a crazy and demanding schedule. Shortly after that post on November 11, 2012 I got a promotion at work. The promotion was a great opportunity but unknowingly my life was about to become unbelievably more difficult. It wasn’t unusual for me to work 70 hour weeks and get home at 3am. This was in addition to my school schedule. It was taking a toll on me physically and mentally. It had to stop. I need to take back control of my life again. 

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. –Stephen Covey

Honestly, there were times I felt like it didn’t matter anymore. I wanted to accept the idea that being healthy and fit isn’t possible while being a responsible parent, employee and student. It’s either or, right? I was close to giving in multiple times. Ahh… I would argue with myself,  I’ll just wait till I am out of school, in my new career, when the kids are older, when I am retired! Seriously! These thoughts went through my head. But I have a feeling I am not alone, many of you know what it’s like to do everything right with little or NO results and often even experiencing negative results. It’s madding, I get it, I understand. But I know it’s possible and had to dive deep to find that motivation, drive and know how.
Recently I have been following a new favorite fitness guru online, Kristy Jo Hunt of Body Buddies. There is a lot of fitness fluff, fickle, fiasco and foolishness out there but she is fantastic, fun, fascinating and fit! I am not one for daily positive affirmations but her genuineness, sincerity and knowledge make her daily comments more than quotes of the day, but powerful reminders of your individual power and worth. So go check her stuff out but don’t forget to come back too. Her posts were an additional reminder that it is possible to be healthy and fit even in a busy life. I also believe that the OTHER equally important things in life don’t have to be sacrificed to accomplish a healthy, fit life style.

Hopefully, my experiences as a husband, father, student, crossfitter, psychotherapist dealing with everyday challenges helps motivate and provide solutions to your obstacles to finding a healthier, happier and fit life. What are the most difficult challenges you face in obtaining your goals? 


  1. Totally can relate. Its hard right? But I'm working on it too.


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